Wednesday, February 17, 2010





Regular Meeting

Community Room/Municipal Office Building

2996 VT Route 78,

Highgate Center, VT

Thursday/February 18, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m.

1. Call to Order: Henry Rainville–Chair, Brian Rowell, & Jeff Towle.

2. Minutes

a. Review minutes of the February 4, 2010 special meeting.

3. Town Clerk and Treasurer (Tom Racine)

a. Pay bills as presented.

b. Updates.

4. Department/Board/Commission Reports

A. Highway Department (Steve Ploof)

1. Highway updates.

2. VAOT Highway striping request.

B. Parks & Recreation Department (Walter Medor)

1. Recreation updates.

2. Discuss 2010 Recreation Issues.*

3. Discuss Ice Arena future

C. Planning & Zoning

D. Solid Waste Management

1. Motion to authorize Town Administrator to sign the APT Environmental,

Inc. 2010 household hazardous waste collection contract for two events.

E. Animal Control

1. Discussion with Franklin County Humane Society re: Contract

Amendment for Cats.

F. Board of Health

G. Cemetery Commission

H. Community Development/Economic Development

I. Constables

J. Listers

K. Local Control Commission

L. Library

M. Highgate Fire Department (David Desorcie)

1. Updates.

5. Town Administrator

6. Old Business

7. New Business

8. Selectboard Items

a. Motion to authorize the Delinquent Tax Collector, Judy Vanslette, to hire

services of Attorney Timothy S. Hawkins of St. Albans, Vermont to provide

legal assistance in the tax sale process.

9. Upcoming Events

a. Farmers Group meeting @ 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on February 26, 2010 in

Community Room.

b. Planning Commission meeting on March 1, 2010.

c. Town Meeting on March 2, 2010.

d. Daylight Savings Time begins on March 14, 2010.

10. Next Regular Meeting: 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 4, 2010.

11. Adjournment

12. Executive Session (if needed)


Prepared by David Jescavage, Town Administrator


-Hours of operation for management

-Reduction of work force

-Statements from public since 1/28th meeting

-Details of summer programming

-Discussion of mandatory morning ice for next year

-Conflict of interest with MAHA and RAB

-Update on summer camp

-Discussion of summer intern for programming

-Discussion with area towns

-RFP for lawn mowing done by Rec. Dept. put out to bids?

-Details of agreement with Casella and Walter

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