Wednesday, February 3, 2010





Regular Meeting

Community Room/Municipal Office Building/2996 VT Route 78

Highgate Center, VT

Thursday/February 4, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m.

1. Call to Order: Henry Rainville–Chair, Brian Rowell, & Jeff Towle.

2. Minutes

a. Review minutes of the January 5, 2010 special meeting.

b. Review minutes of the January 21, 2010 regular meeting.

c. Review minutes of the January 25, 2010 budget meeting.

d. Review minutes of the January 27, 2010 bridge meeting.

e. Review minutes of the January 28, 2010 arena meeting.

3. Town Clerk and Treasurer (Tom Racine)

a. Pay bills as presented.

b. Updates.

4. Department/Board/Commission Reports

A. Highway Department (Steve Ploof)

1. Highway updates.

2. Discuss land offer from Doug Medor.

3. Discuss road & bridge weight limits.

4. Discuss highway grants.

B. Parks & Recreation Department (Walter Medor)

1. Recreation updates.

2. Discuss 2010 Summer Recreation Program.

3. Discuss Ice Arena decision

C. Planning & Zoning

D. Solid Waste Management

E. Animal Control

1. Discussion with Franklin County Humane Society re: Annual Contract

F. Board of Health

G. Cemetery Commission

H. Community Development/Economic Development

I. Constables

J. Listers

K. Local Control Commission

L. Library

M. Highgate Fire Department (David Desorcie)

1. Updates.

5. Town Administrator

a. East Highgate Bridge update.

6. Old Business

7. New Business

8. Selectboard Items

a. Discussion with Judy Vanslette re: Delinquent Tax Procedures.

9. Upcoming Events

10. Next Regular Meeting: 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 18, 2010.

11. Adjournment

12. Executive Session for personnel & litigation


Prepared by David Jescavage, Town Administrator

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