Thursday, January 7, 2010


Recreation Advisory Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @ 6:30 p.m.

Highgate Municipal Building

Community Room

A. Agenda

B. Call to Order

C. Discuss Sport Court

1. Program Options

2. Customers

D. Future Fundraising for Renovation Project

1. Dasher Boards

E. Learn To Skate (February Ice)

F. Other Business

G. Next meeting - February 9th @ 6:30pm

H. Adjournment

Prepared By,

Karen Fortin





Notice is hereby given that pursuant to 24 V.S.A. Sections 4442 & 4444, the Highgate Selectboard will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 21, 2010 beginning at 8:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Municipal Office Building to consider the following proposed amendments to the Town of Highgate Zoning Bylaws:


Amend Article VI, Section 610.1 by adding the following text after the first paragraph:

Telecommunications antennas that are attached to or in structures such as silos, spires, towers, cupolas, belfries, domes, and other buildings are exempt from the height limits of these bylaws provided that they do not protrude above the maximum height of the structure on which they are placed. New, telecommunications antennas that are to be placed on free-standing towers in excess of 35 feet high or that protrude above the maximum height of the existing structure on which they are placed shall comply with Section 610.2 below.

In all zoning districts, all telecommunications antennas that are to be attached to an existing structure on a property in accordance with the paragraph above or that are to be less than 35 high shall be considered an accessory use of the property and shall not require Conditional Use approval by the Board of Adjustment.

Where no existing principal use or structure is located on a property, the telecommunications antenna facility shall be considered the principal use and shall require Conditional Use approval from the Board of Adjustment prior to the issuance of a Zoning Permit.

The issuance of a Zoning Permit is required for the placement of all telecommunications antennas regardless of location or height.


Amend Article VIII, Section 800 by adding “Telecommunications Antennas/Facility” as either a permitted use or a conditional use in the columns for all zoning districts in accordance with Section 610.1 of the Zoning Bylaws.


Amend Article VIII, Section 800 by adding “Single Family Dwelling” and “Two Family Dwelling” as conditional uses in the column for the Industrial/Commercial District.

The proposed amendments are on file for public review at the Municipal Office Building at 2996 VT Route 78 during normal business hours or by appointment. Questions on the proposal may be directed to the Highgate Town Administrator at 868-4922, x-203.

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